11 February 2022

SPAR University makes life easier

️ Blog
8 min. reading time

Disney World, as you can read in the previous tech blog, is doing a great job innovating by using smart gadgets to make your life easier. The 'MagicBands' that track and monitor what you do in the park: where you are, what you buy and which room your bags have to go in the hotel. The problems were already solved before they got there. Now then, what the hell does this have to do with SPAR University? The concept is very reminiscent of what we do at SPAR University! Do we also have a magic bracelet for SPAR that traces where and in which stores you are? Not yet. We do make life easier for many people thanks to the smart gadgets we devised via the app.

Where Disney has the FastPases that ensure that you can skip the line of an attraction, we came up with the Skipping for SPAR. Skipping means that you skip the line at the cash register by paying with Tikkie, you scan your products in the SPAR app and skip the line! This will give you more time to enjoy your break or just better spend your time when you skip lectures, er, attend. Just like Disney, SPAR has opted for this in order to obtain unique data. In this way, SPAR has personal purchase data and the app can make smarter deals for you. Plus it has a nice extra: rewards! For example, a free coffee or lunch that you can earn. You scan the QR code at the Skip screen and you can immediately see whether you have earned something on your next visit.
Also in the field of the environment, SPAR University, like Disney, is participating in the race. Where Disney does its best to use sustainable lighting and use alternative fuels for the attractions, SPAR thinks along about the amount of food that is thrown away. (Because 13% of edible food per household is thrown away, in kilos this comes down to about 700 million in the whole of the Netherlands #funfact). In collaboration with SPAR, we came up with the Zero Waste Bag for SPAR University. This is a grocery bag with food that has that day's expiration date on the package. The bag is worth €10 worth of groceries and will be sold for €3. The Zero Waste Bag can now be ordered via our app. Check it out the next time you're near SPAR University! You will not regret it.
We at Social Brothers are full of good ideas. Of course we can hardly all walk around with a MagicBand as if we were walking in Disney World, but an application can do a lot. For example, monitor where your customers are when they are not in your store! Handy if you want to open a new branch, for example? Whatever it is, it can't be crazy enough, we think along! Something we at Social Brothers are very good at, if we do say so ourselves…

Take it contact Contact Niels de Leng, our Business Developer to discuss all options.

Growing together with our clients is the best thing there is.

Steven Founder
Steven Founder[email protected]06-20413957
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